I have lost all user controls. I accidentally made both my user accounts have no privileges and neow I have no Administrator account! I was in administrator tools --local security settings --network access (shares that can b accessed anonymously) & network access (Named Pipes that can be accessed anonymously) I am not allowed access to any any important settingsMy "title" is what my comp now has listed under "Security Settings" for the "Policy"for Network access: (shares that can be access anonymously) . COMCFG,DFS$and for Network access:( Named Pipes that can be access anonymously)COMNAP,COMNODE,SQL\QUERY,SPOOL55,LLSRPCAlmost everything else has been either Disabled or Undefined There is no System Restore anymore either!Pleas help me to undo what I have done!1 person needs an answerI do too
January 25th, 2011 7:56pm

Hi,The built-in Administrator account is disabled by default. It will be enabled in Safe Mode. If it is, you will see an icon for Administrator on the Welcome Screen in Safe Mode.a. When we install Windows, it automatically creates an account "Administrator" and sets its password to blank.b. Log in (the password will be a blank) and then provide privileges to both the user accounts.A description of the Safe Mode Boot options in Windows XP:,Manasa P – Microsoft Support.
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
January 26th, 2011 1:29pm

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